Radio Silence call for projects


Brak dostępnego opisu zdjęcia.

Deadline: 22 September 2019

Folie/Culture invites all those who express themselves through music, poetry, performance, deglutition, car burnouts and all other potential audio works to contribute to the Radio Silence call for projects.

As part of our current theme Walk on Eggshells!, Folie/Culture is looking for audio proposals that combine the injunction and the exemplary—intrinsic to our repressive societies—with audio art.

As Barthes stated in his book Mythologies (1957), advertising and slogans possess the organized ability to communicate something while being of no arbitrariness, no conditionality—the same as a truth.

Thus, Radio Silence will occupy the radio advertising space of the program Québec Réveille on CKIA 88.3 FM for 25 seconds, risking—perhaps—to break the flow of “meaning overload” inherent to advertising messages.

These audio segments, broadcasted live during advertising and available as podcasts on the Internet, will allow us to question society’s injunction to the exemplary, to the docile. So, let’s ask ourselves this: how does the monstrous express itself when it is usually muzzled?

To participate, you need to
submit an audio work in mp3 or wav format
exactly 25 seconds long 📻  💬

No entry fee

Artist’s fee (stipend): $200


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