Puchi press - open call


Obraz może zawierać: tekst

Deadline: 1st October 2019

Regarding Zines: we’re looking for all kinds of proposals (photography, comic/illustration, poetry, narrative...), b&w and between 8 and 12 pages long. The format you prefer although it can’t be bigger than an A5. We work mostly with projects in Catalan, Spanish and English, but every language is welcome and encouraged!

-Prints/Postals: the standard format is an A5, printed. If your proposal requires another format and different printing methods (screenprinting, risograph, etc) you can specify and we’ll talk about it 👀

-It’s not mandatory to do the project from scratch/on purpose for this open call. You can send anything, even if you’ve already published it elsewhere or if it’s an old work, and we’ll be more than happy.

No entry fee

-Any other questions you have, you can DM us on Instagram (@puchi_press) or send us an e-mail: puchipresseditorial@gmail.com

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