WAC Awards 2016



The WAC Awards is an open competition for contemporary visual art that is gaining praise and respect in Britain and abroad. It was established five years ago by a group of artists and their friends in Wells, the beautiful cathedral city in the South-West of England. But an idea that came to life around kitchen and dining tables has already established a strong presence in the London art world and is drawing artists from places as diverse as Australia, Azerbaijan, India, Italy, Korea, Japan and the United States, as well as all over Britain. The most frequently cited reasons for this rapid success are the quality of the artists who enter, the prestige of the selectors and judges and the attraction of the prizes.

Up to 3 works may be submitted, the entry fee is £16 per work (£12 for current students).

Entries for 2016 can be any medium - painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, installation or video. There are no size restrictions.

We regret that we cannot exhibit digital work unless all necessary equipment is provided by the artist (for example: monitors, screens, DVD players, headphones etc)


The 45 Park Lane Art Prize gives the overall winner a 10-day solo exhibition in London, including an opening night reception/private view and an overnight stay at 45 Park Lane Hotel, in Mayfair, London. In addition, WAC will provide the winner with £1000 to cover exhibition costs.

Further Prizes
R K Harrison Prize £1000
Harris and Harris Prize £500
The People’s Choice £250
Entries can be in any media, including painting,
sculpture, drawing, printmaking, photography,
installation and video
There are no size restrictions


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