EXCEPT Photo Competition "YouthVision: Becoming adult today"
In order to better understand youths’ experience of becoming adult, EXCEPT Project launches a photo competition. We are curious to know what it actually means to become adult for young people today. Is it about getting a job, being able to pay your bills, having more freedom or maybe taking your own decisions and bearing the consequences idependently?... Tell us what do you think, when does adolescence start and how does it feel nowadays? Has it been positive or negative experience for you so far? What do you like about becoming adult and what not? We are looking for your opinions, emotional experiences and associations related to the issue of becoming adult today. Send us your photos on this topic with a short comment to them and win prizes.
Age: 18-30 y.o.
Country: EXCEPT partner countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Sweden, UK and Ukraine) and other EU countries
You can submit up to three photos in the competition. Each photo may only be submitted once.
Top-3 winners receive 250, 200, 100 EUR respectively.
Exhibition of the top-30 pictures is organized in each country
Best photos are publicized in local media of EXCEPT partner countries
Best photos are demonstrated in Brussels during the final EXCEPT conference
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