UMW Media Wall




A Moving Image Exhibition Space at The University of Mary Washington.

The UMW Media Wall is now accepting submissions for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Submission guidelines:
1. Videos should not have an audio track or be okay playing without sound.
2. Videos must be formatted for a 1920×1080 display.
3. Videos should not have letterboxing or any other sort of matte around the edges of the frame.
4. Videos with excessive flicker or flashing light or exceedingly mature themes will not be accepted. The wall is big and in a very public space so we need to keep things PG.

The UMW Media Wall is a large scale high definition video canvas composed of 43 separate Prysm Laser Phosphor Display (LPD) tiles arranged into a freeform array that measures 10 feet wide and 12.5 feet tall .

All video submissions should be .MOV files at a resolution of 1920×1080 with no audio track. A custom mask that mimics the Media Wall tile configuration can be dowloaded on the Submissions page.

The Media Wall is a one-of-a-kind exhibition space located in the atrium of the Hurley Convergence Center at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA.
The wall is over two stories tall and is comprised of 43 separate Laser Phosphor Display tiles.
A new set of videos will run every month on a 24 hour continuous loop.


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