International Video Art Festival NOW&AFTER’16



By ecology we mean the whole science of the relations between an organism and the environment, including, in the broad sense, all the “conditions of existence”, – that’s how ecology was defined by its creator, the German biologist Ernst Haeckel.
In today’s world the meaning of the term “ecology” has gone far beyond the field of biology. Speaking about the ecology in a broad sense, we often have in mind the ethical component. We are talking about the ecology of culture, social ecology, political ecology, the ecology of relationships, etc., and not to forget about studying the complex relationship between humans and the environment.

So what do the artists focus on?

• Ecology as a relationship between the organisms and the environment or ecology in a general sense?
• Environmental catastrophes or ecological balance maintaining?
• Relationships between humans and the environment or the life of nature itself?
• The growth of cities or rural ecosystems development?
• Social or cultural ecology?
• Ecology of the relationships among people or between people and animals?
• Alienation from nature or integration with it?
• Contamination of the environment or preservation of untouched nature?

In 2016 the festival takes place at the State Darwin Museum, one of the largest natural science museums in Europe. That is why the area of our special interest this year includes different aspects of the ecology as interaction of living beings among themselves and with the environment.

There is no entry fee.
All rights on videos remain property of authors.
Submitted videos must have been completed after January 1, 2013.
Running time is up to 15 min.
Entry form must be completed online.
Each applicant may send maximum 3 submissions.
All the films selected for the competition program will be considered by the jury.

The authors of the best films will be awarded. The Festival’s Prize Fund is 120,000 rubles.


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