The prix VIRGINIA - photo competition for woman photographers
The Prix VIRGINIA, awarded every other year, beginning in 2012, is open to all living professional women photographers, regardless of age or nationality, with the exception of photojournalisms and advertising. Photographs submitted for the Prix VIRGINIA must not have been exhibited in France. Requests for assistance with projects, reporting, or exhibitions will not be considered.
Participant may submit 12 to 15 photographs, (with captions, date, title and format) on unrelated themes or grouped by subject, black and white and/or colour. Each photograph has to be at format Jpeg, 72 dpi and no more than 1,5 Mo (or Mb).
- 10,000€ from the Association SYLVIA S.
- Publication of the winner’s work in M, the magazine of Le Monde.
- Be-pôles, which publishes the collection Portraits de Villes will offer the winner carte blanche to photography the city of her choice.
- Exhibition in L’Espace photographique de l’Hôtel de Sauroy in Paris, supported by the generous partnership of he lab Central Dupon Images.
- L'Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe publishes in its season program the work of one of the 11 photographers selected by the Jury.
- Editions Filigranes publishes a box-book with the winner’s and the Jury’s choice photographies.
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