Derwent art prize


Derwent Art Prize


The Derwent Art Prize aims to reward excellence by showcasing the very best artworks created in pencil by British and International artists.

Artists can submit 2D and 3D works created with any pencil or coloured pencil as well as water soluble, pastel, graphite or charcoal pencils.

Images of up to 6 recent works, in digital format (jpg, max. 1MB file size (no min), and images must be between 1000 x 3000 pixels resolution; min 1000 x 1000 and max. 3000 x 3000 pixels.

The work must not exceed 182cms in its greatest dimension. There is no minimum size limit. The Prize is open to both 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional works. All entered work must have been completed within the last 3 years. The work selected for exhibition must be available from 1st September 2016 – 31st January 2017 .

The entry fee is £10 for the first work and £2 for additional works. Artists may only enter once, with a maximum of 6 images.

First Prize - £6,000
Second Prize - £3,500
Third Prize - £1,000
2 x People’s Choice Awards - £750 each
Young Artist Award - £500


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