lugano photo days



The contest is open to all photographers (professional and non-professional) who have reached the age of 18 on May 15th 2016, irrespective of sex, nationality or residence.

Each registrant may participate with a set of 8 photographs part of a same project. The theme is: reportage.

Format of the images to be uploaded on the contest’s website:

JPEG, RGB a 8bit
30 cm length (approx. 3600 pixel) for 300 dpi
Maximal size 5MB

The registration fee is CHF 25


For the winner:
Unique cash prize: CHF 2500.-
Exhibition in Lugano during LuganoPhotoDays in September 2016
Accommodation for 1 night in Lugano – single room with breakfast – on the occasion of the award ceremony (LuganoPhotoDays 2016 opening night)


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