DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program


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Art residency in Berlin

Deadline: 1 December 2019

Each year around 20 internationally renowned and highly qualified visual artists, writers, filmmakers,
composers and sound artists of all ages, who have developed their own distinguished artistic voice and body of work, are invited to Berlin. For visual arts, literature and music divisions, the residency lasts 12 months, for film 6 months.

Residencies are scheduled to begin between January 1 and May 31 of the subsequent calendar year, or later in exceptional cases.

German nationals may not apply. Foreign artists who are residents of the Federal Republic of Germany are also excluded from applying.

No entry fee

Residency offers:
- Monthly grant installments for living expenses and rent
- Provision of a furnished apartment
- Travel and baggage expenses (regular airline, economy class), also for spouse and children who will be staying in Berlin for the entire duration of the invitation
- If required: health, accident and long-term care insurance (contributions will be deducted from the fellowship award)
- German language lessons (optional)


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