i-Portunus - support programme for short-term mobility of artists and culture professionals.


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Financial support for artists

Deadline: 5 September 2019

i-Portunus is a short-term pilot project, selected and funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, to trial a mobility scheme for artists and culture professionals. It is managed by a consortium headed by the Goethe-Institut with Institut français, Izolyatsia and Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Between April and September 2019, i-Portunus will issue three Calls for Applications, providing support for international mobilities of artists active in the fields of the performing or visual arts and residing in a Creative Europe country (see list opposite). The destination of the mobility must be a Creative Europe country. These mobilities must have a specific and well-defined objective, such as to develop an international collaboration, to engage in a production-oriented residency or in professional development, to present work in another country or to develop projects with local communities in the destination country.

A first Call for Applications ran from 17th April to 15th May 2019 and resulted in over 1,200 valid applications being received. These were analysed and taken into account for the preparation of the second Call.

The second Call was issued on June 3rd 2019 and closed on June 24th. It resulted in 520 individual applications and 190 group applications covering a total of 1.141 individuals. The selected applicants will be announced on July 19th.

The third Call for Applications of this pilot programme will be launched on August 14th. It will be the last of three calls to financially support the mobility of artists and culture professionals of all ages, nationalities, educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a country participating in the Creative Europe programme choosing a cross-border mobility to a country participating in the Creative Europe programme.

Participating countries:
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia,
Ukraine, United Kingdom

No entry fee


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