Lanzarote Arts Festival 2019
11:33Deadline: 1st June 2019
The theme "Surface/Support” is taken from perhaps the last modern art movement from France. The experimental movement named “Support/Surface,” and led by the influential Louis Cane.
After the failure of Situationism and the socio-political May 1968 events in Paris - the Support/Surface artists had to reconsider the function of art; what it should be; what it could be…
Acting almost in direct rebellion to the political scene of the time, they chose the most 'establishment' of artistic mediums to do so; placing painting at the centre of their exploratory practices. However, despite this traditional material choice, they rejected many aspects of 'past art’ to try and find an art suitable for the 1960s/1970s.
Whether they were successful/failed is open to discussion.
“Support/Surface” was the last international avant-garde art movement coming from France and active artists were in touch with the Abstract Expressionists in the USA. Following this period Pop art, neo Dada, Performance, video art, Conceptualism, Postmodernism and so on all took place. These were and/or are all trans-national movements.
The theme is also open to any painting, printing, sculpture, film which emphasises the surface or the medium rather than the content/subject.
Any artist can apply: visual artists, painters, drawers, sculptors, printmakers, mixed media artists, videoartists, poets, creative writers, storytellers, performance artists, street artists, musicians, puppeteers, designers, makers and so on.
No entry fee
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