PAPERLUST Photobook Fest 2019


Deadline: 17 May 2019

Fresh From Poland and Paper Beats Rock are pleased to announce an open call for photo books and zines publications as part of PAPERLUST Photobook Fest 2019.

Submission is open to citizens of the countries from the Visegrad Group: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.

The received submissions will be presented during the PAPERLUST Photobook Fest 2019 at an open photo books and zines library, at the MOCAK Library in Krakow.and after its completion will become part of the MOCAK Library collection.

We might select your publication to be displayed at one of the three exhibitions taking place during the festival: Photobook Storytelling, Photobook Asset, and Photobook Process, the authors of which will be informed individually.

The open call is directed to makers, artists, and publishers of photobooks, art books, photographic publications, zines and hand-made artistic publications. The received submissions will be presented during the PAPERLUST Festival and after its completion will become part of the MOCAK Library collection.

As a subject of the application understood are an art book, photo book, zine, book object of artistic value, book object hand-made or printed.

No entry fee


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