third international Felix Schoeller Photo Award




The third international Felix Schoeller Photo Award is about to take place, with professional photographers and trainee photographers having the opportunity to submit their work at our website from January 1st to May 31st, 2017. The Felix Schoeller Photo Award honors work that demonstrates a love of photography, combined with the most demanding quality standards for images. Prizes are awarded every two years and are open to German and international entrants: in 2015, we received submissions from 65 countries.

Professional photographers may submit work in the five themed categories:
1/ Portrait
2/ Landscape/Nature
3/ Architecture/Industry
4/ Photojournalism/Editorial Photography
5/ Free Choice/Conceptual Photography

Emerging photographers may only submit their work in the general Emerging Photographer category. This category is not subject to any thematic restrictions.

No entry fee

The prizes connected with the Felix Schoeller Photo Award amount to a total value of €25,000.00. The breakdown of prizes is as follows:

All entrants whose work is nominated will receive a certificate and their nominated work will be published
The winners of the themed categories will each receive prize money of €2,000.00.
The overall competition winner (Best of Show) will also receive the Felix Schoeller Photo Award in Gold. The prize money for this is an additional €10,000.00.
The winner in the category Best Emerging Photographer will receive the Felix Schoeller Emerging Photographer Award. This prize will comprise cash or professional photographic products to a total value of € 5,000.


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