The Royal Photographic Society's International Images for Science 2017



International Images for Science is calling for images that cover all breadth of science from medicine, forensic science, zoology, engineering, astronomy, all scientific fields. The competition is open to all, RPS members and non-members. There are three age specific categories: Aged 17 and Under, Aged 18 – 25, and Aged 26 and Over.

The competition is open to any person from any country.

There are three age categories: Aged 17 and Under, Aged 18 – 25, and Aged 26 and Over. You may only enter the category for the age that you will be at Midnight on 20th April 2017.  If you are aged 17 or under by entering you are confirming that you have the permission of your parent or guardian to do so.
There is no limit on the number of entries. Entries must be made only through the RPS science website (, as explained in Entry Instructions under Exhibition Information.

Digital manipulation by software such as Photoshop is allowed, providing the scientific authenticity of the image is not altered

No entry fee

Aged 26 and Over, Gold Award: £1000 cheque + RPS Gold Medal
Aged 26 and Over, Silver Award: £500 cheque + RPS Silver Medal
Aged 26 and Over, Bronze Award: £250 cheque + RPS Bronze Medal
Aged 18 – 25 Category Winner: £750 cheque + RPS Gold Medal
Aged 17 and Under Category Winner: £500 towards photography equipment paid directly + RPS Gold Medal



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