The entry is open for fiction, documentary, animation and experimental films to the main programme (World Under Canvas, In The Short Run) and to The Short Films Competition.
The submission is free of charge.
World Under Canvas:
- Feature fiction and documentary films (longer than 60 min);
- Films before the official Polish theatrical release;
- Films made in 2015 or 2016, older when it will be a Polish premiere of film.
In The Short Run:
- Short films (less than 60 min);
- Films made in 2015 or 2016, older when it will be a Polish premiere of film.
Short Films Competition
- The Competition is organized by The TWO RIVERSIDES Association.
- In the Competition take part:
- Short films (shorter than 35 min.);
- Films made in 2015 or 2016, older when it will be a Polish premiere of film.