2019/2020 art exhibition programming call for artists - The Museum of Jewish Montreal
18:06Deadline: February 10, 2019
The Museum of Jewish Montreal invites artists and collectives to submit their proposed exhibition projects for the Museum’s 2019-2020 exhibition series inside/out
The 2019/2020 arts programming theme at the Museum of Jewish Montreal broadly takes as its starting point discussions of what exists or is generated “inside,” that which is associated with or exists “outside,” and/or breaching the binary of these two concepts to turn them “inside out.” Rather than limiting, this thematic basis seeks to enable the artistic exploration of varied concepts, from those anchored in the canon of art history (such as the sacred and profane, the pastoral and the industrial, internal reflection and transgressive gaze, etc.) to newer questions in research-creation and museum studies (such as investigating where digital art exists, the space between the museum and other spheres, environmental concerns, identity narratives, etc.).
No entry fee
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