SFC Shoah Film Collection




SFC Shoah Film Collection is looking for new contributions in order to continue the successfull story starting on 27 January 2010 – the International Holocaust Memorial Day – commemorating the 65th liberation of the Concentration Camp of Auschwitz, when this unique media art and peace initiative was laucnhed in the context of “Draft Title: Shoah” and “A Virtual Memorial Foundation”

Since then each year on 27 Januar, Shoah Film Collection is releasing traditionally its new call for the coming year – so also this year, on Friday, 27 January 2076..

This media art and peace initiative by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, media artist and curator from Cologne (artvideoKOELN international) is addressed to the young generations of artists and filmmakers to deal with the topic of Shoah and collective trauma caused by totalitarianism by using new (audio-visual) technologies and contemporary approaches in order to keep vivid the memory of the collective trauma by senstizing people via art. During the past years, a collection of 120 outstanding art film and videos by artists from 27 countries deveoped, from the experiment to the documentary.

This initiative becomes even more relevant in these current times which are marked by uprising political rightist and populist movements all over the world generating anti-semitism, xenophobia and racism.

As a part of the Audiovisual Collections @ The New Museum of Networked Art, Shoah Film Collection was now generating a new presentation format, eg d/i/light – Darkness Into Light Festival, which allows to present the collection of films and videos as a whole or in parts as a festival and the installation in the context of an exhibition. Additionally, Shoah Film Collection is also corporate part of global networking project – The W:OW Project – We Are One World – http://wow.engad.org – which was launched in December 2016 by The New Museum of Networked Art.

Between 2010 and 2017, there were in total 13 major presentations in Russia, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Cambodia, Israel and USA, whereby 2012 the first pilot project, standing under the Patronage of the European Parliament was realised in Latvia – A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012 – dedicated to the victims of Riga Ghetto, to be followed by the pilot project in Lithuania 2013 – A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 – a tribute to the victims of Vilna Ghetto, “A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2013 -a tribute to the victims of Warsaw Ghetto and A Virtual Memorial Milan 2014 – a tribute to the Italian victims of Holocaust – all events were standing under the Patronage of the European Parliament. More info http://avmci.a-virtual-memorial.org

Shoah Film Collection would like to bring closer to the people what the Holocaust is meaning to mankind and future generations by encouraging artists to face and reflect the aspect of humanity which was lost widely during the era of Nazizm, but not completely. Now more than 70 years after the end of the Holocaust, however, it can be stated, the Holocaust was never really finished, because in all parts on the globe authoritarian systems were waging war against the own people and practiced genocides, and they still do.

The Holocaust must not happen again!

Shoah Film Collection and its manifestations are looking for new audio-visual works using video as a medium in all its variety.

– no age limit
– Wanted: single channel videos by film and videomakers from all countries on the globe to be submitted exclusively online.
– SFC is looking for innovative and experimental approaches in dealing with contents and technology
– The full-length films/videos may originate from the years later than 2000. The submission of extracts is not accepted!!
– Duration: 60 seconds up to max 15 minutes (exceptions possible on request)
– Max 3 films/videos can be submitted.
– Creations using language and/or text other than English need English subtitles.
– The preview copy should be uploaded for download by using the free upload platform WETRANSFER www.wetransfer.com (up to 2GB) or make the film available for download on VIMEO www.vimeo.com!!
.mpeg2 (DVD), . mov (Quicktime, H264 codec only), .mp4, .wmv (Windows Media), .DVavi
– only selected artists will be notified after the deadline and invited to send a hardcopy of the selected video in best screening quality.

Entry fee:
no entry fee


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