There are currently more than 60 millions of refugees on the globe, people who left their home country in order to escape war, persecution and murder, but also poverty and the lack of any perspectives.
People in Europe speak currently of the “refugee crisis”, as if the streams of refugees would come by coincidence. In fact, Europe and the old and new colonial superpowers prepared the fertile soil for all current conflicts, wars and civil wars in Middle East, Asia and Africa and the rapidly spreading terrorism. On the other hand, the climate change, natural and human made disasters and the economical, ecological, social and cultural collapse destroy the perspectives for people to remain in the homecountry, and search instead for the escape in flight.
It is said, the refugee crisis would be the biggest since World War II, but the transmigration of people does not represent a new phenomenon in the history of human civilization, it is even like that, that the phenomenon of transmigration was always initiating a new era, a renewal and an important step forward to a next level of human civilization.
But the open call would like to get down to the human dimensions, since the refugees are human individuals who are forced to leave their home countries in order to get shelter, protection and perspectives for survival elsewhere. Do or did they find the “promissed land” – temporarily or for sure?
Artists and video makers are invited to submit and spotlight this human dimension and the diversity of reasons and motivations to become a refugee.
Duration: max 10 minutes
Years 2006-2016
Max 3 films/videos may be submitted
For screening only HD versions are eligible
No entry fee
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