Hate Mail? for ya Fat F#ck - Mail art


Deadline: 1st August 2019

Fellow artists, be aware that although this website deals with sensitive subjects that should concern all of us… please be alerted that it may contain language and imagery not suited for all humans.

On previous curated mailart and artbymail open calls we’ve dealt with similar content… at “desAMORes” (www.desamores.yzonk.com) we’ve worked around the concept of unmatchable loves and at “QUEIXA-TE” (www.queixate.yzonk.com) I’ve asked artists to complain about whatever subject they weren’t pleased with. At the present open call, entitled “Hate Mail? for ya Fat F#uck”, I’m getting in touch with artists and asking them to give their support to fellow artists that continually see their artwork being censored again and again. These censored artists are exposing severe situations of our present lifetime, touching subjects considered triggers that are listed on international trigger lists, but they are indeed helping us out by means of expressing themselves through art that creates awareness about these matters. “Ignoring it won’t make it go away” is the concept above all.

I’m just fed up that remarkable artwork is being censored because of its theme or, even worst, because it simply presents nudity.

It is not uncommon for us to miss flagging content that might be identified as triggering. Perhaps the trigger seems suitably mild to you and you believed it didn’t need to be flagged or it simply seems silly. Or maybe you are just dealing with a snowflake.

Snowflake is a term for someone that thinks they are unique and special but really are not. It gained popularity after the movie “Fight Club” from the quote “You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else.” Began being used extensively as a putdown for someone, usually on the political left, who are easily offended or felt they needed a “safe space” away from the harsh realities of the world, but now has morphed into a general putdown for anyone that complains about any subject.

Nowadays there are so many people being triggered by somewhat reason that it became too common to have artists creations being reported and consequently censored on networks such as Instagram and Facebook. It seems that we regressed to past times when clothes had been ordered to be painted and sculpted over artwork, but now through the use of pixels and black bars. I do hope that through this open call, we do start to freely start to talk about these subjects/problems and stop being a prude.

I’m not promoting illegal actions nor soliciting illegal content but ignoring it won’t make it go away.

It was already proved that talking about these subjects do trigger some folks since this open call was targeted of censorship by fellow artists.

So, to confront this matter, all submitted artwork should deal with the offensiveness of itself, or nor, in some sort of way or approach/discuss/deal with these issues. Work with the common trigger warnings and freely express yourself through art.

Only similar content, to the following list, will be considered valid and used on the exhibitions: abuse (physical, mental, emotional, verbal, sexual); animal cruelty or animal death; blood; child abuse / pedophilia / incest; classism; death or dying; depiction of pornography (including child pornography); eating disorders, body hatred, and fatphobia; excessive or gratuitous violence; homophobia and heterosexism; incest (including any and all elements of romantic or sexual relationships between family, tonal in theme, though, or activity); Islamophobia; kidnapping and abduction (forceful deprivation of / disregard for personal autonomy); mental illness and ableism; miscarriages / abortion; needles; pornographic content; pregnancy / childbirth; racism and racial slurs; rape and sexual assault; self-harm, and self-injurious behavior (self-harm, eating disorders, etc.); sexism and misogyny; sexual assault; suicide; transphobia and transmisogyny; violence; …

maximum dimensions 190 x 280 mm | 7.5 x 11 in

no entry fee 

Exhibitions on tour through Portugal are ALREADY confirmed. We’ll keep you updated by email. There will be a digital book as well as a physical printed one to be shared and spread around free of charge to all artists and partners.
curator Monsenhor enVide neFelibata


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