FLIGHT/Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Genova


Film festival looking for experimental films

Early-bird deadline 2nd of May to 14th of June
Regular deadline 15th of June to 31st of August
Late deadline 1th of September to 1st of October

The Mostra del Cinema di Genova is devoted to cinema as an art form. We will privilege, in our selection, films with a poetic or visionary value, experimental and thought provoking films, avant-garde works and innovative languages. Equal importance will be given to fiction and non-fiction works, to features and shorts, and the festival’s Grand Prix, dedicated to Eadweard Muybridge (Grand Prix Pigeon Flying, Plate 755, 2500 euros cash prize) will be assigned to the Best Film, regardless of genre, duration and theme. Ample attention will be given also to films out of competition, both in the form of special screenings and retrospectives, focusing this year on the theme of Memory, meant in both the historical and introspective sense, collective or personal, a Memory of Cinema and a Cinema of Memory.

No other place appeared to us more suitable for our Festival than the city of Genoa, with its port and its contrasts, with its dazzling lights and the darkness of the old town, with a thousand languages and its dialect, its innumerable departures and returns. Our screenings will take place in many different cinemas and film-clubs, chosen by ACEC, our co-founder, both in the heart of old Genoa and in other interesting and multicultural neighborhoods, in the aim of involving in the Festival the whole town. We will also try to find unexpected locations for special screenings, such as disused theatres and abandoned churches. The works selected for the Video Art section of the Festival will be screened at Fotogallery Incantations, in the heart of the ancient Jewish Ghetto.

Categories / Competitions

Best Short Film – Fiction
Best Feature Film – Fiction
Best Short Film – Non Fiction
Best Feature Film – Non Fiction
Best Innovative Languages Film
Best First Film
Video Art
Best Ligurian Film

Short Films under 60 minutes, Feature Films above 60 minutes.

Films in competition can be produced in any year, but we give preferred consideration to films produced after January 2017. Films out of competition may be produced in any year.

Entry fee:
Early-bird deadline 2nd of May to 14th of June: 20 $/film.
Regular deadline 15th of June to 31st of August: 30 $/film.
Late deadline 1th of September to 1st of October: 40$/film.

The Mostra del Cinema di Genova’s GRAND PRIX (Eadweard Muybridge , Pigeon Flying Grand Prix, Plate 755) of 2500€ will be awarded to the best film in the competition regardless of genre, duration and theme.
Awards will be also given to the Best Feature Film and the Best Short Film, both in the Fiction and Non-Fiction competitions.
Awards will also be assigned to best films in the Innovative Languages, Ligurian cinema and Video Art sections of the Festival.
All the Jury’s Awards and Special Mentions will be justified.


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