Photography Competition "Biology: from Big to Small"


RSB photo comp poster


The theme for our annual photography competition is Biology: from Big to Small.

From avalanche to zooplankton. From nanotechnology to the world’s largest sewage systems. From the arid landscapes of Australia to colourful lichen encrusting trees in a suburban garden.

We invite amateurs to use photography to explore interactions between the macro and the micro in biology – from tiny fish creating huge shoals, to algal blooms suffocating a river ecosystem, or microorganisms eating plastic waste in our oceans.

We also encourage entries captured by a microscope, from dispersing fungal spores to grains of sand. The fluorescence microscope, for example, provides an interesting window into the world of the cell and is great for examining living and fixed cells in culture.

Two categories:
Photographer of the Year (18 and over)
Young Photographer of the Year (under 18)

Entries must be digital images or scans of transparencies. Each entrant may submit a maximum of 3 images to the competition.

No entry fee

Photographer of the Year (18 and over) - £1,000 top prize
Young Photographer of the Year (under 18) - £500 top prize


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